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Portable Long Service Leave – Cleaning, Security & Community Services

Are you in the Cleaning, Security or Community Services industries?
If so, then your action is required.

Portable Long Service Leave – Cleaning, Security & Community Services

From 1 July 2019, businesses employing workers in the contract cleaning, security & community services industries within Victoria will be required to pay an allowance for long service leave on behalf of all of their employees.

The scheme is designed to allow workers to build up long service leave based on length of service to the industry, rather than just to one employer.  However, this will add another cost & layer of red tape to your business.

The Governing Board of the Portable Long Service Benefits Authority has determined the Employer Levy as follows:

  • 1.65% for community services
  • 1.80% for contract cleaning
  • 1.80% for security

These new laws, whilst not tax related, will add another cost & layer of red tape to your business.

What you need to do:

If you operate in one of these industries you must register as an employer with the Portable Long Service Authority.

Registration can be completed online and businesses will be required to provide the following information as part of the registration process:

  • Business name
  • Business address
  • ABN
  • ACN (if applicable)

Employers must submit a Quarterly Return to the Authority, in October, January, April, and July each year.

The quarterly return will include information about:

  • all workers who have worked for the business during that quarter
  • the days they have worked during the quarter
  • the pay they received during the quarter

The Quarterly Return calculates the contribution to be made by the employer and is based on each worker’s ordinary pay multiplied by the levy for their industry.

The employer contributions paid to the Authority for their workers are then invested by the Authority and will be used to pay workers when they make a claim for long service.

Further information surrounding this can be found here:

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